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The Township of South Stormont is seeking to develop a new Nuisance By-law. We want to ensure that South Stormont continues to be a safe, inclusive and enjoyable community for all our residents.
We aim to strike a balance between respecting property rights and providing flexibility for events like birthday parties and weddings and necessary noise associated with construction.
The existing Nuisance By-law, in place since 2016, is outdated and does not address current community expectations and changing legislative requirements. Council wants to hear from you! We want to know what your concerns and priorities are surrounding Nuisance and Noise.
Please take a moment to participate in our short survey below to have your say and share your feedback for consideration during the development of a new Nuisance By-law.
The Township of South Stormont is seeking to develop a new Nuisance By-law. We want to ensure that South Stormont continues to be a safe, inclusive and enjoyable community for all our residents.
We aim to strike a balance between respecting property rights and providing flexibility for events like birthday parties and weddings and necessary noise associated with construction.
The existing Nuisance By-law, in place since 2016, is outdated and does not address current community expectations and changing legislative requirements. Council wants to hear from you! We want to know what your concerns and priorities are surrounding Nuisance and Noise.
Please take a moment to participate in our short survey below to have your say and share your feedback for consideration during the development of a new Nuisance By-law.
On Wednesday, October 9, Council was presented with the results of the initial public survey regarding the development of an updated Nuisance By-law. The summary report of the survey results can be found here.
Council was also presented with a DRAFT Nuisance By-law to review and consider. The presented DRAFT By-law can be found here.
In this second round of public engagement, we are asking residents to review the DRAFT Nuisance By-law and provide any comments they may have below. The commentary received from here, along with any commentary received at the scheduled Public Open House on Thursday, November 14th (two open house options: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.) will be provided to Council for consideration prior to any adoption of a new Nuisance By-law.
Please take a moment to review the DRAFT By-law and provide your comments below.