Public Petition Policy

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Consultation has concluded

At the Regular Council Meeting on October 13, 2021, Council was presented with a Draft Public Petition Policy to consider for adoption. Staff are seeking comments from both Council as well as the residents and business owners of South Stormont. Please read on to learn more about the proposed policy, including the Key Information Report and full DRAFT Public Petitions Policy and provide any comments or suggestions in the discussion forum below, or email them to the Director of Corporate Services/Clerk.

Currently, the Township has no formal policy or procedure in place for members of the public to submit a petition, aside from the petition provisions outlined in the Procedural By-law. The proposed Public Petitions Policy contains consistent requirements for both paper-based and electronic petitions and aims to make the process for submitting petitions less cumbersome and more transparent for members of the public.

Specific elements of the policy include:

  • The petition request must be within the authority of Council.
  • Contact information must be provided for the petition organizer who has initiated and is the main contact for the petition.
  • Original signatures are required for paper-based petitions. Email addresses must be provided in place of an original signature for electronic petitions.
  • Both original and electronic petitions will require a South Stormont address
  • A statement regarding the collection of personal information must be included on each page of the petition so petitioners are aware their information may be made public.

For convenience, a petition form has been created and attached to the Public Petitions Policy that may be used for both paper-based and electronic petitions

Following the submission of a petition that meets the requirements outlined in the Public Petitions Policy, it will be handled in one of two ways depending on the subject matter. Petitions relating to a current or upcoming agenda item will be included as part of the agenda package for the meeting where the item is being heard.

Petitions introducing new business that are not related to a current or upcoming agenda item will be included as a consent item on a forthcoming agenda.

At the Regular Council Meeting on October 13, 2021, Council was presented with a Draft Public Petition Policy to consider for adoption. Staff are seeking comments from both Council as well as the residents and business owners of South Stormont. Please read on to learn more about the proposed policy, including the Key Information Report and full DRAFT Public Petitions Policy and provide any comments or suggestions in the discussion forum below, or email them to the Director of Corporate Services/Clerk.

Currently, the Township has no formal policy or procedure in place for members of the public to submit a petition, aside from the petition provisions outlined in the Procedural By-law. The proposed Public Petitions Policy contains consistent requirements for both paper-based and electronic petitions and aims to make the process for submitting petitions less cumbersome and more transparent for members of the public.

Specific elements of the policy include:

  • The petition request must be within the authority of Council.
  • Contact information must be provided for the petition organizer who has initiated and is the main contact for the petition.
  • Original signatures are required for paper-based petitions. Email addresses must be provided in place of an original signature for electronic petitions.
  • Both original and electronic petitions will require a South Stormont address
  • A statement regarding the collection of personal information must be included on each page of the petition so petitioners are aware their information may be made public.

For convenience, a petition form has been created and attached to the Public Petitions Policy that may be used for both paper-based and electronic petitions

Following the submission of a petition that meets the requirements outlined in the Public Petitions Policy, it will be handled in one of two ways depending on the subject matter. Petitions relating to a current or upcoming agenda item will be included as part of the agenda package for the meeting where the item is being heard.

Petitions introducing new business that are not related to a current or upcoming agenda item will be included as a consent item on a forthcoming agenda.