South Stormont Proposed Firearms and Bows By-law
Consultation has concluded
We want to hear from you on a new Discharge of Firearms and Bows By-law.
In the spring of 2020, Council instructed staff to review the Township’s Nuisance By-law. The regulations surrounding the discharge of firearms was one of the main concerns expressed.
Complaints about the lack of restriction in some areas and too much regulation in others has prompted the creation of an independent by-law dedicated specifically to the discharge of firearms and bows within the Township of South Stormont.
Please note that this by-law does not affect the St. Lawrence Parks Commission lands or the St. Lawrence River.
We want to hear from you on a new Discharge of Firearms and Bows By-law.
In the spring of 2020, Council instructed staff to review the Township’s Nuisance By-law. The regulations surrounding the discharge of firearms was one of the main concerns expressed.
Complaints about the lack of restriction in some areas and too much regulation in others has prompted the creation of an independent by-law dedicated specifically to the discharge of firearms and bows within the Township of South Stormont.
Please note that this by-law does not affect the St. Lawrence Parks Commission lands or the St. Lawrence River.
Notable Inclusions Within the Proposed Firearms and Bows By-law
The current definition of a firearm does not include air guns, spring guns or types of bows.
Concerns have been raised by residents and staff that under the current by-law, cross-bows or high power air rifles are not restricted within the settlement areas. This poses a danger to anyone within a settlement area.
The new by-law will define both firearms and bows.
By creating a more concise definition of firearm and including the definition of a bow, the firearms and bows that were previously omitted are now prohibited.
The proposed definitions are as follow:
“Firearm” means shotguns, rifles, air guns, spring guns or any class thereof and includes anything that can be adapted for use as a Firearm.
“Bow” means a curved or re-curved stave of a resilient material, strung taut from end to end and used to launch an arrow, bolt, quarrel or any similar projectile and includes cross-bows, long bows, re-curve bows and compound bows.
The area where the discharge of firearms is restricted is, in some cases, rather restrictive.
There are areas within the Urban Settlement area that are rural in nature, and some are large in size. Requests have been made to allow for archery practice and hunting in some of these areas.
The proposed by-law recommends the discharge of firearms and bows be restricted completely, with certain exceptions, within the Urban Settlement area defined in the SDG Official Plan. The areas are outlined on the map below. This is same area used by the Township to restrict Open Air Burning.
The proposed by-law suggests allowing the discharge of firearms and bows within the Defined Area, providing the property is larger that 5 acres in size and no bullet or arrow shall pass over the boundary of the property.
Other Items
The proposed by-law provides exceptions for the discharge of firearms, these include:
- Peace officer
- Agents under the Ontario Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act
- Uses for agriculture purposes for the owner or tenant with a valid Business Registration Number
Provisions for the power of entry, severability, offence and enforcement are also included in the draft by-law.
* It should be noted that the municipality is not able to enforce the discharge of firearms or bows on property governed by the Province.
Consultation has concluded. Now what?
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Council and staff will review all of the public feedback and re-tool the by-law with the intention of bringing a report and new proposed by-law to Council for consideration at the March 23rd Regular Council Meeting.
Stay tuned to this page as we will post the new proposed by-law once it has been amended.
Again, thank you to everyone who participated in this public consultation process.
Who's Listening
Economic Development and Communications Coordinator
Email -
Director of Corporate Services/Clerk
LHEmail -
Municipal Law Enforcement Officer
- Why is there a need to develop a new firearms by-law?
- How will this be different than the federal regulations on firearms?
- Does this by-law include St. Lawrence Parks Commission properties and the St. Lawrence River waterways?
- How will this new by-law be enforced?
- When do you expect this new by-law to come into force?
- What areas are affected by the proposed Firearms and Bows By-law?
DRAFT Firearms and Bows By-law (96.1 KB) (pdf)
Current Noise Nuisance By-law (Previously included firearms) (129 KB) (pdf)
Key Information Report to Council - November 24, 2021 (154 KB) (pdf)
Action Request Report to Council - By-law 2022-021 Discharge of Firearms and Bows (348 KB) (pdf)
Final By-law and Presentation
First Draft of By-law Presented to Council - November 2021
South Stormont Proposed Firearms and Bows By-law has finished this stageOn November 24th, the first draft of the Discharge of Firearms and Bows By-law was presented to Council for comment prior to engaging the public.
The Key Information Report from this meeting can be found under the "Documents" section of this page.
Amendments Made to By-law Based on Council Discussion and Solicitor Review - November 2021 - January 2022
South Stormont Proposed Firearms and Bows By-law has finished this stageAfter the initial DRAFT Discharge of Firearms and Bows By-law was presented to Council, slight amendments were made based on Council discussion and Solicitor feedback. These amendments are reflected in the DRAFT version found on this page.
Public Consultation - February 2022
South Stormont Proposed Firearms and Bows By-law has finished this stageThe DRAFT Discharge of Firearms and Bows By-law is now open for public consultation. We encourage residents to review the contents of this page and provide comments, ask questions, and become familiar with the proposal.
Public consultation will be accepted until February 28th, 2022 and will be considered for discussion for the final by-law. The final by-law is intended to be presented to Council in March 2022 for adoption.
Final By-law Presented to Council for Adoption - March 2022
South Stormont Proposed Firearms and Bows By-law has finished this stageAt a Council Meeting in March 2022, the revised and final version is expected to be presented to Council for adoption. At this time, the Discharge of Firearms and Bows By-law will be in effect.
Discharge of Firearms and Bows By-law Adopted
South Stormont Proposed Firearms and Bows By-law is currently at this stageAt the March 23rd Regular Council Meeting the amended Discharge of Firearms and Bows By-law was adopted by Council and is now in effect. You can find the final version of the by-law under "Documents" on this page.
Video of the Council discussion and staff presentation can be viewed under "Important Links" on this page.